osaka expo 2025 secret deals

iacopo will participate at the Global Family Office
Investment Summit in Dubai on October 10th and 11th and make a presentation centered on real estate investment opportunities in Japan and some unique perks with reference to Expo 2025.

For all of you who cannot come to Dubai, feel free to contact us for more info.

The first topic I would like to introduce is “insider`s opportunities about Osaka Expo 2025”

iacopo is involved in the construction, project management and AoR services of several national pavilions (Italy, Spain, Belgium, Serbia, San Marino, Uruguay, Panama, Mozambique, Botswana and more to be finalized)

Osaka World Expo 2025 will take place from April 13 2025 to October 13. Will follow Dubai Expo and precede Rhyadh 2030.
A unique feature of the event is the “Ring”, a giant 675meters diameter, 12m tall arcade which will encompass the central area and provide a dry and shaded promenade to connect the pavilions as well as a panoramic sky walk on the roof garden.
With a circumference of over 2 Km it will be the largest wood frame building in the world.
The organizers expect 28 million visitors during the 6 months, of which 90% Japanese and 10% foreign nationals.
That said, considering the ease of access, the high concentration of population both in Japan and in Osaka area, and the keen interest of the Japanese in this type of “novelty” events will probably produce even higher numbers.

① Belgium pavilion sponsorship

Just in front of the west entrance and on the side of one of the escalators channeling visitors to and from the upper promenade is the Belgium pavilion. The first perk I would like to introduce is the possibility of being featured as a sponsor of the pavilion.
Sponsorship packages vary from 5,000 euros to 200,000 euros and considering the exposure (potentially 28 million visitors) and the prime location, sponsoring the Belgian pavilion is an extraordinarily high cost-performance option for boosting your brand PR in Japan and internationally.
Click here to download a sponsorship information booklet.

I am promoting this program on behalf of Beyond Limits (leader of the design-construction consortium)
Feel free to contact or Beyond Limits

② Sponsor art and cultural projects

While the Osaka Expo is going to become a record-breaking World Expo event, some countries will not be able to participate.
I prefer not to share here this type of confidential information but the fact that Russia and Armenia will not participate is of public domain.
Few other countries also will not be able to participate because of political reasons or because they were not able to start construction in time.

The Expo Association is going to use some of these plots to build back-end service facilities or visitor rest areas.

Some other lots may be used to host outdoor art display areas or cultural activity buildings.
Those opportunities are not official, nowhere published or advertised and as I know, I am the only one weaving this idea into a concrete program.

Here is the outline of the sponsorship program I created:

Official Purpose: to contribute to make the Expo even more meaningful

Indirect purpose/sponsor merit: to be exposed to a potential 28 million visitors, and potentially viral media coverage.

place: one or more empty lots within the inner ring of the Expo area.
(other corporate pavilions are located outside of the ring. As only national pavilions were planned in the ring area, this project will have a unique visibility.

cost: starting at 1 million USD

I am in contact with the company managing the design of the exterior areas under the design supervision of Arch. Fujimoto (the designer of the ring).
It must be stressed the fact that these projects below are not published elsewhere and as a matter of fact are custom-made perks based on the insider`s information I have about the Expo and the connection with the key persons that can make it happen.
Consider that all corporate pavilions (Pasona, Panasonic, Bandai etc.) are located outside of the central ring and initially, the area inside the ring was reserved exclusively for foreign countries` pavilions.
The possibility to build here a branded project is an unfair advantage, a unique chance that will be available only until the end of October.

own a tea room designed by N.1 Japanese architect

One national pavilion had planned to build a Tea room in collaboration with the most prominent architect in Japan.
The pavilion project has been aborted and the Tea room also become homeless.

The original concept was to use the tea room to arrange top-level and highly symbolic one-to-one meetings between Heads of State because as you know tea ceremony is all about two people leaving their weapons and armor outside and opening to each other differences.
The tea room has a very powerful symbology as a tool to spread mutual understanding: it is the quintessential tool for implementing peace.

The project involves:

・building a 50m2 tea room and creating a 200m2 original Japanese garden (cost 1 million USD)
・managing the project for 6 months (cost estimated at 500,000 USD, depends on the content)
・after the Expo is over, the owner will be able to dismantle the iconic tea house and relocate it anywhere in the world for instance to enhance or brand a hotel, shopping center etc.

How the sponsorship works:
・As this will be considered an art installation / cultural project, the sponsor will not be able to create direct signage on the building or banners.
・The sponsor will be able to distribute/sell tea, coffee etc. (in line with the concept of the tea house) and brand the cups.
・The sponsor will have naming rights and thus be mentioned in all press releases and media coverage
・For long-term branding advantage, as mentioned above the owner will be able to use the tea house as a legacy project and thus be permanently connected with the image of the prominent Japanese architect.

I am planning to create up to 5 tea houses with different designs designed by Kengo Kuma, (the sketch below is a placeholder).

I prefer not to share presentation material here for copyright and privacy reasons, but feel free to reach out to me for further information.

③ other secret perks

In other areas, it is possible to build and operate F&B facilities.
The one above is achieved with the use of Japan dome house products.

Photos and a walkthrough video are available here

Thank you for your attention!

do not hesitate to contact me at iacopo<at> for any questions.

特别优惠 x LPS 上海

iacopo 将于 12 月 12 日起作为参展商参加上海 LPS 展会。 8 日至 12 月 10

① JAPAN:日本健康/福祉主题公园出售(并购)。 还提供版权和使用权。
100 公顷土地 / 可容纳 1000 名宾客

②英国:D夫人故居出售。 土地 25 英亩(10 公顷)。

③ 日本:新度假酒店(2022年9月开业)87间客房

如有任何问题,请随时通过 iacopo<at> 与我联系。


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